When I was a little girl, every year I would watch the London marathon with my Dad, and we would say, one day we'll do that.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Why no weight update.

The reason you won't be seeing many weight updates from me, is that I am not really interested in weight. I will update now and then my loss, as I think some people may be interested, specially those that wish to loose weight and find this blog as help for them. As far as weight goes, by some calculations I am no more that a stone over normal, by other places I am still in the normal group. But by my first picture it's clear that I am caring some unhealthy 'pudge' and I most definitely can not run a mile let alone a marathon. I am also not very hung up on my goal weight wise. When I first started getting bigger (after about my third child) I used to think of when I was small and could eat what ever I pleased, and aim my weight to then. As I have grown in knowledge, needs and wants I know that my goal is in my shape and size. When I was a skinny little thing I was just as incapable at running a marathon, just my pudge didn't get in the way yet
A friend asked me the other day what my goal was. I found this hard to answer. I want to get into the best shape of my life, but I also want a body that shows I am there to be honest, I am still a women after all. I said I guess my goal would be a size 10 waist. My goal is much bigger than that though. I'm not gonna get a size 10 waist and reap the congratulations and well dones then eat cake. I want to change my life so I can eat a piece of cake, not go over board, and not feel guilty. And most importantly, I want to see what I can do with my body.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

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